
Agenda – 11 September 2024

Agendas Uploaded on September 5, 2024

Gosforth Parish Council meeting to be held on 11th September 2024 at 6.30pm at Gosforth Library


  1. Apologies
  2. Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations, by elected and co-opted members, of interests in respect of items on this agenda.


  1. Minutes of the meeting of Gosforth Parish Council held on 10th July 2024

To authorise the Chair to sign, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 10th July 2024 pages 224-226.


  1. Minutes of the extraordinary meeting of Gosforth Parish Council held on 28th August 2024

 To authorise the Chair to sign, as a correct record, the minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on 28th August 2024 page 227.

  1. Public Participation/Open Session (15 minutes allowed)

The Chairman will invite residents to make representations on any item on this agenda or to bring matters to the attention of the Council for consideration for inclusion in a future agenda.

  1. Cumberland Councillors’ Reports

To receive for information items relevant to the Parish. (Items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting.)

  1. Planning Applications

7.1         Applications: none received

7.2         Decisions of the statutory planning authority: none received

7.3         Other planning matters:  

  1. Financial Records

8.1         To receive and note the bank reconciliation statement to 30th August 2024.

8.2       To approve payments detailed on the schedule of payments.

  1. Geological Disposal Facility
  2. Car Park & Toilets
  3. Parking
  4. Playground/Outdoor Gym
  5. Public Hall
  6. NDA Properties
  7. Connecting Communities
  8. Parish Plan
  9. Correspondence & Communications
  10. Meetings

To receive reports from Councillors who have attended meetings on behalf of the Parish Council.

  1. Councillor Administration
  2. Councillor Matters

An opportunity for Councillors to raise minor matters, not on this agenda, on behalf of residents. (Note: No discussion or decisions can be made on these matters, but the Clerk may make investigations, and/or they may be placed on a future agenda of the Council.)

  1. Items in Camera

Items in camera are dealt with in private in accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.

               21.1 Village Shop                                                                     

  1. Date of the next meeting

The next Meeting of Gosforth Parish Council is scheduled for Wednesday 9th October 2024 at 6.30pm at Gosforth Library.