Gosforth Parish Council held their Annual Parish Meeting on 17th May 2023 which was attended by five Councillors, the Clerk and two members of the public.
The Chairman delivered the following report:
Chairman’s Report 2023
Another year has seen some exciting progress and opportunities and some ongoing challenges.
In terms of challenges, we have seen the number of councillors drop for numerous reasons and we continue to attract new recruits in any great numbers that would give security going forward. Having said that, we have one new councillor who has proven to be a great asset to the community and hopefully one more interested party.
We have sought to capitalise upon the opportunities of funding made available through the Mid Copeland Community Partnership which has seen large amounts of money brought into the parish and used across the community from the school, through to groups and the mountain rescue to name but a few. The main project delivered to present by the Parish Council is the installation of the outdoor gym on the back of feedback from the community surveys and interactions which has been a huge success and my thanks go to those involved in its delivery, particularly Cllr Unsworth. Further plans are already underway to further invest in and enhance the facilities offered at the village playing fields.
The Parish Council continues to support the Public Hall management committee, and this has also seen investment with successful grant applications being awarded to the library and most recently, for a refurbishment feasibility and optioneering study. This is a huge opportunity, and we should do everything we can to ensure it is not missed.
Work has taken place to improve the car park toilets and further conversations have taken place in terms of the future of the car park and its management. We hope to engage with the new Local Authority shortly to progress this matter as a priority.
This is just a quick summary and does not do justice to the time and effort the Parish Council puts into supporting and improving the village throughout the year for which I am very grateful. Special appreciation should also be given to our Clerk, Jackie, for her continued excellent work without which we would struggle to function effectively.
Let us continue with the projects already identified and ensure no opportunities are missed whilst ensuring we continue to engage with and represent the community in a positive and productive manner.
Mark Fussell