
Minutes – 10 July 2024

Minutes Uploaded on July 15, 2024

Minutes (unconfirmed) of the meeting of Gosforth Parish Council held on 10 July 2024 at Gosforth Library at 6.30pm

Cllrs. present: Rachel Unsworth (Chair), John Owens (Vice-Chair), Alex Plent, Tyson Norman, Jack Hatton, David Gray

Others present: Cllr. David Moore (Cumberland) and Jacqueline Williams (Clerk)

722/24 Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Cllrs. Graham Hutson and Elizabeth Hutson due to a prior commitment and from Cllr. Jackie Atkinson due to illness. All apologies were approved.

723/24 Declarations of Interest – none received.

724/24 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 12th June 2024

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 12th June 2024, pages 221 to 223 be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chair. Proposed Cllr. Owens, seconded Cllr. Plent and agreed by all.

725/24 Public Participation – no members of the public present.

726/24 Cumberland Councillor Report

Cllr. Moore said a further meeting regarding roadworks/closures is being held on 16th July. Cllr. Norman is planning to attend. Cllr. Norman noticed that the post box in New Mill had been removed and Cllr. Moore said he would make enquiries.

Cllr. Moore noted some movement on the car park and toilets has taken place and Cumberland have re-opened the file.

The Viking Way grass has been cut and they will return later in the year to cut back the hedges and perform a second cut.

727/24 Planning Applications:

Applications: – none received.

Planning Decisions:

Two decision notifications had been received after the agenda had been circulated:

7/2024/4041 Former Gym and Stables – Harecroft Hall – approval of details reserved by condition on application 7/2024/4015 – 5 bedroomed family home for local occupancy and variation of condition 2 of 7/2023/4086 – amend design of internal layout – granted.

7/2024/4036 Part of old Stable Block – Harecroft Hall – change of use from holiday let to local occupancy – granted.

Other planning matters: – none received. 

728/24 Financial Reports

The Clerk presented a bank reconciliation and noted the final playground grant, a VAT refund, and a £1,000 donation from Library Volunteers to the Public Hall Refurbishment Project. The latter has been paid into the Public Hall’s bank account and will be held by the charity as ring-fenced funds.

RESOLVED that the Bank Reconciliation to 30th June 2024 be received and noted.

RESOLVED that the schedule of payments be approved for payment.

729/24 Geological Disposal Facility – no updates. 

730/24 Car Park &Toilets

The response from Cumberland was noted. Cllr. Unsworth is continuing to chase Highways for a quote for relining the car park. Cllr. Gray said that Cllr. Atkinson was doing an excellent job on the flowerbeds at the Car Park. The Clerk reported that no response had been received from Sellafield following the submission of a list of ideas for assistance.

The Clerk was requested to purchase new toilet brushes.                                                        

731/24 Playground

Cllr. Unsworth said the final payment of the grant has been received and the final report completed. The Playing field car park will be resurfaced towards the end of July or early August. Cllrs discussed extra signage about litter and dogs. Cllr. Gray said that the playing field should be a dog free area.

Cllr. Unsworth said that a meeting of the Playing field Committee and stakeholders has been arranged for Monday 15th, primarily to discuss a colour run but signage will also be discussed.

Caloo will be attending in August to repair a piece of equipment which was reported by a resident.

The Clerk said that monthly or weekly playground checks should be completed to look for wear and tear and any obvious issues. This is in addition to annual inspections. Cllrs agreed to weekly checks throughout the Summer and monthly checks in the Winter. The Clerk to produce a new checklist and pass to Cllr. Unsworth for the first check.

732/24 Public Hall

With the funding for the second phase of the project now agreed, Cllr. Atkinson and the Clerk met with the Architect to discuss next steps. The Clerk has organised for a Bat Emergence and Re-entry Survey which requires two visits by consultants. The first took place on 8th July and the second on 30th July. Initial feedback is that there are bats roosting in the library roof and that this means a further survey at a cost of £1,900. The architect said they will aim to submit a planning application in September, and they will work on phasing the project and breakdown the costs for each phase.

Cllr. Owens said that we should be working on a Stakeholder Management Plan.

733/24 NDA Properties

Cllr. Norman said they had received the notes from NDA but no confirmation that they could be distributed. Cllr. Norman confirmed that there is a freeze on demolitions.                                      

734/24 Connecting Communities

Cllr. Norman said there had been no progress since the last meeting.                                       

735/24 Parish Plan

Cllrs. Owens and Unsworth are working on the questionnaire which they hope to complete in time for Gosforth Show.                                                                                                                            

736/24 Correspondence & Communications

Correspondence had been received requesting support for a campaign to improve the safety of lithium batteries used in e-bikes and e-scooters. Cllr. Norman said that lithium batteries are used in other equipment such as electric drills and there is also an issue regarding the disposal of lithium batteries. Cllrs agreed to support a widened campaign and to include safe disposal of batteries. Clerk to respond.

Fibrus sent an invitation to a meeting on 23rd July at 7pm at Gosforth Public Hall regarding improved broadband infrastructure. Cllr. Owens agreed to attend.

An email had been received regarding the passing of Joan McIntosh who was a former Treasurer of the Public Hall. Cllrs said she had been very active in the community and were saddened to hear the news.

Cllr. Hatton raised the correspondence regarding Lakes Parish Council which had submitted a vote of no confidence in the LDNPA. Cllrs agreed to discuss in more detail at the next meeting.               

737/24 Meetings

No meetings had been attended. 

738/24 Councillor Administration – none. 

739/24 Councillor Matters

Cllr. Norman said that a vehicle had been left on the Clearway and it had been difficult to report it or to find out who is responsible for enforcement. Cllrs requested the Clerk make enquiries and discuss at the next meeting.

Cllr. Gray had reported that the finger-post sign in front of the garage was wobbly. He is not sure if this has been rectified but the sign appears to be leaning. Cllr. Gray also said he had reported the bent sign at Nether Wasdale and he would check if it has been fixed.

Cllr. Unsworth raised the yellow lines on Petton Place. Cllr. Moore to seek an update.

Cllr. Unsworth requested the Clerk to add Parking to the next agenda.                                 

740/24 Items in Camera

Items in camera are dealt with in private in accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.

Seascale Parish Council confirmed that they had increased the annual grant therefore Cllrs agreed to raise the grant to £300 for this year and review it again next year.

Cllrs agreed to take no further action following the recent email from the complainant. 

741/24 Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of Gosforth Parish Council is scheduled for 11th September 2024 at 6.30pm at Gosforth Library.

The meeting closed at 7.30pm.