
Minutes 11 September 2024

Minutes Uploaded on September 20, 2024

Minutes of the meeting of Gosforth Parish Council held on 11th September 2024

Councillors present: Rachel Unsworth (Chair), John Owens (Vice-Chair), Tyson Norman, Alex Plent, Jack Hatton and Jackie Atkinson.

Others present: Jacqueline Williams (Clerk) and one member of the public.

747/24 Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Cllrs. Graham Hutson and Elizabeth Hutson who are away and from Cllr. David Gray and Cumberland Cllr. David Moore due to prior commitments. All apologies were approved.

748/24 Declarations of Interest – none received. 

749/24 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 10th July 2024

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 10th July 2024, pages 224 to 226 be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chair. Proposed Cllr. Owens, seconded Cllr. Plent and agreed by all.

750/24 Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 28th August 2024

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 28th August 2024, page 227 be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chair. Proposed Cllr. Owens, seconded Cllr. Plent and agreed by all.

751/24 Public Participation

One member of the public was present but chose not to speak.

752/24 Cumberland Councillor Report – not present.

753/24 Planning Applications:


4/24/2253/0F1 Bolt How, Gosforth – timber chalet for farm worker – no objections.

Planning Decisions:

7/2024/4033 Roundstone Lodge – alternations to landscaping – granted.

7/2024/4030 Gosforth C of E School – removal of timber decking and replacement with concrete structure for new timber gazebo – granted.

7/2024/4017 Gillgrass Cottage, Wellington – construction of side extension – granted.

Other planning matters: – none.

754/24 Financial Reports

The Clerk presented a bank reconciliation to 31st August. Budget reports were presented, and the conclusion of audit had been posted on the website and in the notice boards.

RESOLVED that the Bank Reconciliation and Budget Reports to 31st August be received and noted.

RESOLVED that the schedule of payments be approved for payment.

755/24 Geological Disposal Facility

Cllr. Atkinson said that community visioning events had been organised. The Clerk has posted the dates on the website. Cllr. Unsworth agreed to post on Facebook.

The GDF team were continuing public engagement and had spoken to 105 at the Rotating Wheels event. They will be conducting residential surveys. Cllr. Atkinson noted that there is unlikely to be any physical development until 2040. 

756/24 Car Park &Toilets

The Clerk reported that Cumberland had requested evidence that the two funders she had mentioned had been talked to about a refurbishment project. The Clerk had emailed requests to both, but nothing received yet. Cllrs. requested the Clerk contact them again.

Cllr. Norman reported that a collapsed drain on the car park. Cllr. Unsworth agreed to pass on a builder’s name and/or contact details. Clerk to contact.

Cllr. Unsworth had circulated an estimate for relining the car park.

RESOLVED that the estimate for relining the car park be accepted.

757/24 Parking

The Clerk confirmed that parking on a clearway was a traffic offence and therefore the Police were responsible for enforcement. Clerk to contact the Police.

A member of the public had emailed regarding difficulties finding space on the car park. It was noted that the situation had eased since the fire. Clerk to respond.

758/24 Playground & Playing Field

Cllr. Unsworth said the car park at the playing field is still outstanding.

Cllr. Unsworth said that there may be changes to the management of the playing field in the future due to retirement. Cllrs. Plent and Hatton thanked George Ostle for helping to clear the gutters at the pavilion which was much appreciated by all councillors.

759/24 Public Hall

The Clerk reported that a grant application for the final bat survey had been successful, and the survey had been conducted on 20th August 2024. Cllr. Owens thanked the clerk for her work on the funding application. The architects have been working on the planning permission documents which will be submitted once the bat survey report has been received. Cllr. Atkinson has produced a Stakeholder Management Plan to ensure that all neighbours are informed prior to submission of the planning application. 

760/24 NDA Properties

Cllr. Norman confirmed that the house and barn at High Ling Bank will be demolished, and that the NDA are in discussion with a local club about use of the site. Cllr. Norman said they had promised a map showing the properties they owned and any land they may use or need but this is still outstanding.

761/24 Connecting Communities

Cllr. Unsworth proposed that this item be moved to ‘Items in Camera’ due to the sensitivity of the matter. Cllr. Owens seconded and it was agreed by all.                                     

762/24 Parish Plan

Cllrs. Owens and Unsworth are working on the draft questionnaire.

763/24 Correspondence & Communications

Correspondence had been received requesting guestlist nominations to attend the 50th Anniversary Celebration of Cumbria Lieutenancy which is being held at Carlisle Cathedral. Cllrs. suggested names and requested the Clerk contact them.

Fibrus have offered to attend the October meeting. Clerk to accept.

Cllr. Hatton will be attending the webinar on White-tailed Eagles and will feedback.

The RBL had offered two benches. Cllr. Norman felt the money would be better spent on veterans and all agreed. Clerk to respond.

Cllr. Hatton raised the correspondence regarding Project Collette.

All Cllrs. had studied the correspondence from Lakes Parish Council which had submitted a vote of no confidence and decided to take no further action.

764/24 Meetings – none attended. 

765/24 Councillor Administration – none.

766/24 Councillor Matters – none raised.

767/24 Items in Camera

Items in camera are dealt with in private in accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.

A document had been produced outlining proposed plans to connect the communities of Gosforth, Ponsonby and Calderbridge. It was agreed to discuss in detail at the next meeting and meet with parish representatives afterwards.

Cllrs. Unsworth and Owens had met with the business owners of the village shop to discuss short-term solutions following the fire. Quotations were discussed and the clerk agreed to submit a grant application                                                         .

768/24 Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of Gosforth Parish Council is scheduled for 9th October 2024 at 6.30pm at Gosforth Library.

The meeting closed at 8.15pm.