Minutes (unconfirmed) of the meeting of Gosforth Parish Council held on 12th June 2024 at 7pm at Gosforth Library
Councillors present: Cllrs. Rachel Unsworth (Chair), Jackie Atkinson, Elizabeth Hutson, Graham Hutson, John Owens, Tyson Norman and Jack Hatton
Others present: Cllr. David Moore (Cumberland) and Jacqueline Williams (Clerk)
702/24 Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from David Gray who is away and from Alex Plent due to work commitments. Both were approved.
703/24 Declarations of Interest – none received.
704/24 Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 8th May 2024
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 8th May 2024, pages 217 to 220 be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chair. Proposed Cllr. Owens, seconded Cllr. Atkinson.
705/24 Public Participation – no members of the public present.
706/24 Cumberland Councillor Report
Cllr. Moore reported that there had been many issues with the road closures. Cllr. Moore had been able to resolve a dispute regarding bin collection during the road works and he is chasing the yellow lines for Petton Place and the school which are still outstanding. Cllr. Moore recommended contacting the new officer in charge of Asset Transfers at Cumberland.
Cllr. G. Hutson emphasized the need to stop parking on Petton Place whilst the traffic lights are in place.
707/24 Planning Applications:
RESOLVED that the following applications have been considered and the Planning Authority be advised of the Council’s observations as follows:
4/24/2165/0F1 Mid-Town Farm/Tarn Head Farm – drilling of six temporary boreholes – noted.
7/2024/4017 Gillgrass Cottage, Wellington – first floor extension, balcony, and alterations – no objections.
4/24/2210/0F1 Sellafield – demolition of Calder Hall Blower Houses – no objections.
Planning Decisions: – none received.
Other planning matters: – none received.
708/24 Financial Reports
The Clerk presented a bank reconciliation and noted the purchase of a new laptop computer.
RESOLVED that the Bank Reconciliation to 30th May 2024 be received and noted.
RESOLVED that the schedule of payments be approved for payment.
709/24 Geological Disposal Facility
Cllr. Atkinson reported that a meeting had been cancelled and no action will be taken until after the general election.
710/24 Car Park &Toilets
Cllr. Unsworth has contacted Highways for a quote for relining the car park. Cllr. Unsworth said that Atkinson Clean Team had cleared a third of the roof and gutters and were doing an excellent job until their equipment had broken. They were doing the job for free but had given separate quotes for the roof, gutters, and external walls. Cllr. Unsworth proposed that we accept the quote for the walls and proposed a payment to compensate for the broken equipment. All agreed.
Cllr. Unsworth agreed to contact the plumber regarding the urinal and his invoice.
The Clerk was requested to purchase new toilet brushes.
The Clerk had checked the lease regarding alterations to the building and confirmed that they can be made provided we submit plans and specifications and get written consent from Cumberland, plus any necessary planning permission.
711/24 Playground
Cllr. Unsworth reported that the playground is now open. The playground had been inspected and remedial adjustments had been made. Cllr. Norman said that Anthony had reported increased litter and needs help. Cllr. Unsworth offered to speak to Anthony and to empty the litter bins next time and Cllr. Hatton offered to empty them thereafter.
Cllr. Unsworth to post on Facebook to make people aware that it is volunteers who deal with the litter and to contact the school.
Cllrs. Unsworth thanked Cllr. Hatton for installing the picnic tables and it was noted that Cllr. Plent had taken on the grass-cutting on the playing field.
712/24 Public Hall
The Clerk reported that the funding application to Copeland Community Fund has been successful.
The Lead Village Hall Adviser from ACT was invited to attend the Public Hall committee meeting on 16th May 2024. After an in-depth discussion she advocated that the committee members should be registered as the Trustees and that as a charity, the committee could not hold title to a property and therefore the Parish Council could be the custodian trustee. This was finally agreed, and the Clerk circulated Trustee declarations to all members. Cllrs. Atkinson and Owens are members and will become Trustees. Cllr. E. Hutson will be joining the committee to represent the WI and the Clerk will send the necessary forms.
713/24 NDA Properties
Cllr. Norman reported that a meeting had been held where concerns were raised but nothing further since the meeting. There is a freeze on demolitions and Cllr. Norman is awaiting a report on all the land and properties and the options for each. Cllr. Norman will continue to monitor.
714/24 Connecting Communities
Cllr. Norman said there had been no progress since the last meeting.
715/24 Parish Plan
Cllr. Owens said the workshop on 3rd June had gone well and work has started on an online questionnaire. Cllr. Unsworth said they plan to have the questionnaire in time for Gosforth Show. Cllr. Atkinson resigned from the sub-committee.
716/24 Correspondence & Communications
Correspondence had been received from a resident of Seascale looking for land for beekeeping. Cllrs. suggested contacting local farmers.
Cllr. Hatton had been approached by a local resident who was concerned that there is no sign to warn that there is a play area adjacent to the A595. Cllrs. said that a fence and hedging plants had been installed a couple of years ago which they felt was sufficient to secure the playing field and the play area which is a good distance from the road.
717/24 Meetings
No meetings had been attended.
718/24 Councillor Administration – none.
719/24 Councillor Matters
Cllr. E. Hutson suggested a speed hump be in the Parish Plan.
Cllr. G. Hutson reported that parking at the entrance to Denton Park was worse than ever and enquired about progress on the Pavilion.
Cllr. Norman enquired about the number of grass-cuts. Cllr. Norman said we had two salt bins and only use one. Cllrs. agreed that the second salt bin could be offered to Calderbridge & Ponsonby Parish Council on permanent loan.
Cllr. Atkinson raised the Viking Way which is very overgrown. Cllr. Moore said the Cumberland only cut it once a year. Complaints should be made via the Highways Hotline or online portal.
Cllr. Hatton said that he had witnessed tractors with fully laden trailers careering through the village. Cllrs. suggested this was more likely to be contractors rather than local farmers and requested the Clerk write to the contractor to say this had been noted by the Parish Council.
720/24 Items in Camera
Items in camera are dealt with in private in accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
A request to increase an annual grant had been received. Cllrs. agreed to an increase providing Seascale were also increasing their grant. Clerk to check.
A letter of complaint against the Parish Council was discussed and Cllrs. agreed that it was regretful that the only member of the public who attended the Annual Parish Meeting had arrived late. However, Cllrs. believed the resident had arrived later than the time stated in the letter, and, for the minutes, the Clerk had rounded up the closing time to 7.15pm. Clerk to respond.
721/24 Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of Gosforth Parish Council is scheduled for 10th July 2024 at 6.30pm at Gosforth Library.
The meeting closed at 8.45pm.