
Minutes – 13th July 2022

Minutes Uploaded on July 27, 2022

Minutes of the meeting of Gosforth Parish Council held on 13th July 2022 to be confirmed at the September meeting.

Present: Mark Fussell (Chairman), Rachel Unsworth (Vice Chair), Cllrs. Tyson Norman, David Gray, Graham Hutson, Jackie Atkinson and Paul Turner

Also present: Cllr. Andy Pratt (Copeland & CALC), Cllr. David Moore (Copeland), Jacqueline Williams (Clerk) and three members of the public

334/22 Apologies for Absence – none received.

335/22 Declarations of Interest

Cllr. Gray declared an interest in a planning application, Cllr. Fussell declared an interest in the Sellafield CLESA opinion request.

336/22 Minutes of the meeting held on 8th June 2022

Cllr. Gray corrected the tree reduction height in T/2022/0060 to read ‘from 4m to 3m’. Cllr. Fussell noted that the VAS Policy had not been circulated and the Clerk agreed to circulate.

It was noted that metal defibrillators signs would be preferable.                                

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 8th June 2022, pages 153 to 156 be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

337/22 Public Participation

A resident of Fell View expressed his concerns regarding the trees between Fell View and Meadowfield which he felt were a danger to life and property.

Another resident spoke about a tree next to Spout House which had caused an injury to her son. Councillors believed this tree, and others nearby, were due to be removed as part of the development of homes on land adjacent to Ellerslie.

338/22  County Councillor and District Councillors’ Reports

Cllr. Moore reported on the social impact funding that comes from the NDA. In the past this funding has not benefitted the host communities. Cllr. Moore has secured a settlement of £350K over three and a half years for capital projects in the parishes of Gosforth, Seascale, Ponsonby & Calderbridge and Beckermet which works out at £25K per parish per year. The funding will be administered by Copeland Community Fund and Cllr. Moore is encouraging parish councils to identify 3 or 4 projects they can put forward. The funding is for capital projects and cannot be used to reduce the precept.

Cllr. Pratt reported on CALC’s AGM which was held on the previous evening. Attendance had been low but they had elected a new executive with Cllr. Pratt as Chairman and Doug Sim as Vice Chair.

338/22 Planning Applications:


RESOLVED that the following applications are received and the Planning Authority be advised of the Council’s observations as follows: no objections

4/22/2272/0F1 Fleming Hall, Gosforth – concreting existing yard

4/22/2273/0F1 Fleming Hall, Gosforth – roof over slurry store

7/2022/4053 Bridge Petton, Gosforth – Barn conversions for holiday let (Cllrs. discussed this application and had no objections to the development but wished to highlight discharges)

T/2022/0100 Trees behind 7-10 Meadowfield, Gosforth – crown reduction by 4m (Cllr. Gray took no part in the discussion as he had declared an interest.)

7/2022/4051 High Boonwood, Gosforth – single storey annex

Decisions: None received

Other Planning matters:

Received late: 4/22/2282/0H1 Sellafield, Seascale – hazardous substances consent request for observations – formalisation of the HSE request – no objections

SCR4/22/30 Sellafield, Seascale – Calder Landfill Extension Segregated Area (CLESA) consultation letter – previously responded after email circulation and comments – no objections

339/22 Financial Reports

The Clerk presented a Bank Reconciliation and noted the Public Hall reimbursement of Insurance cost and the payment of an invoice for repairs. Also, a credit of funds from the Scouts which had been made in error and returned.

RESOLVED that the Bank Reconciliation to 30th June 2022 be received and noted.

RESOLVED that the schedule of payments and a late invoice from Tynedale be approved for payment.

340/22 Traffic & Roads

Cllr. Fussell said he is waiting for confirmation on the date of the Petton Place road closure. Cllr. Turner said he has asked for a date.

Cllr. Fussell raised concerns regarding two recent drink-driving incidents and requested the Clerk to email the Police and Licencing re any actions to prevent further incidents.

Cllr. Turner reported that the CRASH team had investigated the complaint regarding speeding on Whitecroft and no action would be taken. Residents have been informed.

Cllr. Fussell raised the overgrown verges on the Viking Way and Cllr. Turner said he was keeping pressure on CCC.

Cllr. Fussell reported that there are large potholes at the entrance to Blengdale and asked the Clerk to email the Forestry Commission.                                                                                       

341/22 Public Toilets & Car Park

A draft lease had been received and circulated. Cllr. Hutson suggested adding a codicil to the effect that the property be returned ‘no worse than the present condition’. Cllr. Gray said that it would delay the process and said we should sign the lease as it stands and a vote was taken.

One Cllr. Abstained and six Cllrs. voted in favour.

RESOLVED that the lease be signed and returned to Copeland Borough Council.

The Clerk had received and circulated a quote for re-lining the Car Park. After a short discussion it was decided that the Clerk should clarify with the company whether we need to close the car park and for how long. The work should be done after the summer holidays.

Cllr. Fussell said that the renovation of the toilets will be discussed at a separate meeting once the lease has been signed by all parties.

342/22 Playground

Cllr. Unsworth had circulated two designs for an outdoor gym which is for over 8s and adults. Cllr. Gray said that there needs to be more evidence that an outdoor gym is needed or wanted otherwise it will just add to maintenance costs. Cllr. Fussell agreed that this would be necessary for the grant application. Cllr. Unsworth said she will be holding a consultation day at the Pavillion.

Cllr. Unsworth had received a quote for the gate and fencing discussed at a site meeting some weeks ago. Cllr. Gray pointed out that it needs a specification. Cllr. Unsworth agreed and said that two more quotes are being obtained. Cllrs. agreed that the gate and fencing be included in the bid for the outdoor gym project.

343/22 Geological Disposal Facility

Cllr. Fussell reported that the independent chair of the mid-copeland community partnership stood down at the last meeting and Cllr. Pratt was appointed Chair. The next phase is the seabed survey which will take 17 days from 1st August. The data collected will be analysed over the next 18 months to 2 years. Cllr. Moore said there had been some negative reaction and a petition had been received but only 38 signatories were from Copeland. Cllr. Fussell said the community partnership was there to provide scrutiny over the process. The marine survey will be visible from shore and may stir up interest and street surveys to gain public opinion are planned as well as a presence at Gosforth Show. In Gosforth, the street surveys will take place at the bottom of the car park. Gosforth Nursery, the library and school have all had grants approved and more applications are in the pipeline.

344/22 War Memorial

Work on the War Memorial has been completed and looks good.

345/22 Emergency Planning

CALC had provided a template and it was agreed that the Clerk will be the first point of contact and the ‘place of safety’ will be Gosforth Public Hall.

346/22 Citizens Advice

The Clerk had circulated a request for a donation with a parish report. Cllr. Fussell felt that it would set a precedent if we agreed to a donation. Cllrs. agreed not to give a donation.

347/22 Planting for Pollinators

Cllr. Hutson said that the area behind the sub-station is not suitable. Cllr. Turner said it was not a case of just leaving the area uncut and described the methods used. Cllr. Unsworth had posted the idea on Facebook to gain public opinion. Cllr. Fussell said as we have missed the planting season, we should discuss this at a future meeting.

348/22 Campaign for Coronary and Stroke Care Wards at West Cumberland Hospital

The Clerk had circulated a letter requesting the Parish Council’s support for a campaign for a fully resourced and consultant led coronary stroke and care ward at the hospital in Whitehaven. Cllrs. agreed to support the campaign. The Clerk to respond.

349/22 Hidden Gems/Local Heritage

Cllrs. agreed to move this to the agenda for the next meeting.                                  

350/22 Meetings

As well as the GDF meeting, Cllr. Fussell had attended a meeting at Sellafield. Sellafield are looking for a location for a park and ride south of the site.

Cllr. Atkinson attended the Risk and Hazard Reduction and Waste Management sub group of the West Cumbria Site Stakeholder Group. The meeting covered progress made with waste retrievals and also the ongoing leak to ground from one facility that has been currently deemed to be negligible impact to people and the environment.

Cllr. Norman, with Bob Jones and Cllr. Moore had a meeting with the NDA. They are starting to fell timber at Newton Manor and to re-think the feasibility of previous decisions on properties such as Town End Farm which could provide office accommodation and possibly High Ling Bank. The NDA are due to start the renovation of Stanks Cottage.

Cllr. Norman attended a meeting with Trudy Harrison, MP. They discussed SNR (small nuclear reactor) which is being proposed for the Moorside site. It would take 3 years of planning and 5 years to construct. Various other alternative energy projects were discussed.

351/22 Councillor Administration/Recruitment

Dawn Pennington had resigned and Cllrs. requested the Clerk to write a letter to thank Dawn for her work on the Council and particularly during the pandemic.

352/22 Councillor Matters – none raised

353/22 Items in Camera

Items in camera are dealt with in private in accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.

Cllrs. discussed the Cleaning Contract and the suggested replacement following the resignation of the current contractor. Subject to a reference, Cllrs. agreed to appoint the new contractor. The Clerk will update a contract with a start date of 25th August 2022.

354/22 Date of Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 14th September 2022 at 7pm. The meeting closed at 9.15pm.