
Minutes – 9th February 2022

Minutes Uploaded on February 24, 2022

Minutes of the meeting of Gosforth Parish Council held on 9th February 2022 at 7pm at Gosforth Public Hall

Present: Mark Fussell (Chairman), Rachel Unsworth (Vice Chair), Councillors, David Gray, Graham Hutson, Paul Turner,

and Jacqueline Willams (Clerk)

227/22 Apologies for Absence

Written apologies have been received from Cllr. Norman who is on holiday and Cllrs. Pennington due to work commitments.

RESOLVED that all apologies be approved, and the reasons noted.

228/21 Declarations of Interest – none received

229/21 Minutes of the meeting held on 8th December 2021.

RESOLVED that the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 8th December 2021, pages 136 to 138 be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

230/21 Public Participation – No members of the public were present.

231/21  County Councillor and District Councillors’ Reports

Cllr. Turner reported that his request for double-yellow lines outside the playing field is on the ‘traffic review’. Cllr. Turner has been approached by residents regarding parking around the school. Cllr. Fussell said he would be raising this issue later in the meeting.

232/21 Planning Decisions:

7/2021/4136 6 Meadowfield Close – alterations and extension – Granted

7/2021/4134 Brierdale, Wellington – extension – Granted

7/2021/4140 Newlyn, Wellington – extension and conversion of garage – Granted

233/21 Financial Reports

A payment of £565.97 has been received from a local resident in respect of a memorial bench.

RESOLVED that the Parish Council will cover any further costs in respect of the installation.

Cllr. Gray has ordered a picnic table on behalf of the Scouts and asked if payment should be requested now. The Clerk said we should wait for delivery and the final invoice.

Cllr. Gray requested that the Clerk send an invoice for the Gravel Pit rent.

RESOLVED that the Bank Reconciliation to 31st January 2022 be received and noted.

RESOLVED that the schedule of payments be approved for payment.

234/21 Bank Accounts & Signatories

The Clerk said that HSBC are now charging £8 per month for managing our accounts. Cllrs. agreed that other banks were likely to raise or impose charges.

RESOLVED that the Parish Council remain with the existing bank for the time being.

The Clerk said that the bank signatories need to be updated with the removal of retired members and the appointment of replacements.

RESOLVED that Cllr. Norman and the Clerk remain as signatories and Cllrs. Fussell and Unsworth be appointed as signatories.

235/21 Public Toilets & Car Park

Cllr. Turner has raised the Car Park with Mike Starkie who has promised to look into the matter.

Cllr. Fussell reported on a meeting held with Barbara Vernon of Copeland BC who said that there was a moratorium on disposals due to the local government reorganisation. Cllr. Fussell explained that the Parish Council were unwilling to spend money on the toilets without a long-term commitment. Barbara Vernon said that a long lease was not a sensible option as a five-year term would allow the PC to enter into a discussion with the new authority regarding an asset transfer earlier. She added that several other Parish Councils manage public toilets under a lease, citing St. Bees and Silecroft or Seascale. The Clerk requested CBC contribute to the cost of refurbishment. Barbara said there is no budget for public toilets but agreed to explore what funding is available.

Cllr. Gray agreed that a five-year term would allow time for the new authority to become established. Cllr. Fussell suggested contacting the other Parishes who manage public toilets to learn from their experiences.

A copy of the lease has been obtained and the Clerk said that the £1,000 payments had ceased in 2012. No Councillors were aware of the reason.

RESOLVED that the Clerk write to CBC to request assistance with a quotation for the work contained in the November 2020 Condition Survey and regarding the annual payments.

236/22 Playground

Cllr. Unsworth reported that a bid has been submitted to the lottery based on the quote from Playdale. The bid covers phase 2 of the playground as well as repairs and refurbishment of the existing play equipment. The plan for phase 2 is not fixed and public consultation, including visits to schools will take place.

A member of the public had raised the issue of the gaps in the hedge between the playing field and the A595. After a short discussion, Cllrs. agreed that a stock fence be installed, and hawthorn bushes planted along the fence line. Cllr. Unsworth agreed to obtain a quotation.

237/22 Platinum Jubilee

Cllr. Unsworth reported that the trees had been planted and a plaque needs to be ordered. Cllr. Fussell has been approached by the Nursery and School to ask if the Parish Council could purchase commemorative medals for children. The VE funds could be used to cover the cost. Cllrs. agreed.

Cllr. Unsworth said that a Big Lunch could be organised by inviting everyone to have a meal in their front gardens on the Sunday and asking for a rally through the village, possibly by the Rotary or Young Farmers.

The Clerk will forward info on a Platinum Jubilee flag to Cllr. Gray.

238/22 Geological Disposal Facility

Cllr. Fussell reported that the Community Partnership is looking to recruit members across the community but is at an early stage. The next phase will be a seismic survey of the inshore area. The Community Partnership will be holding village events and have booked the hall for 5 daytime drop-in sessions over three weeks and expect to have more events later.

239/22 War Memorial

Cllr. Gray reported that John Slater will visit the memorial tomorrow (10th February).

240/22 Defibrillator

Cllr. Unsworth said that the defibrillator should be registered with ‘The Circuit’ which is the national defibrillator network. The defibrillator at the Kellbank has been registered and it is expected that the Parish Council will pay for maintaining it. Cllr. Unsworth said that the advice is not to have defibrillators in locked cabinets. The Clerk will contact an electrician to organise for the defibrillator to be moved from the shop to the Café.

241/22 Meetings

Cllr. Fussell reported that he and Cllr. Turner had attended a WCSSG meeting which included a presentation on the MSSS leak to ground which is an ongoing issue. There was also discussion on PPP and the long-term contractual arrangements.

Cllrs. Fussell and Turner attended a Sellafield Parish Forum but there was nothing of particular relevance to Gosforth.

Cllr. Fussell noted that a meeting has yet to be organised regarding the Fred Whitton Challenge and asked the Clerk to follow this up.

242/22 Councillor Administration

Three vacancies remain.

243/22 Trees at Entrance to Denton Park

The Clerk has written to Copeland BC but no response has been received to date.

244/22 Councillor Matters

Cllr. Fussell – reported on the problems with parking at the school. Formerly teachers parked at the Church end of Gosforth Hall Car Park but there had been a dispute over parents dropping off and picking up children blocking the car park. The result is that cars are now being parked at the entrance to Denton Park. The dispute remains unresolved.

Cllr. Fussell said the school have asked for a flashing speed sign. Cllr. Turner suggested a school crossing flashing amber light and said the school should submit a request by the highways fault reporting system.

Cllr. Unsworth raised the issue of holiday lets in the village and local occupancy conditions. Cllr. Gray said he had written to the planning authority and asked for a list of houses with local occupancy. Cllr. Turner said there is a map on the LDNP website.

245/22 Items in Camera – none

246/22 Date of Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 9th March 2022 at 7pm.

Meeting closed at 9pm.