Minutes (unconfirmed) of the meeting of Gosforth Parish Council held on 9th October 2024 at Gosforth Library
Councillors Present: Rachel Unsworth – Chair, Tyson Norman, Graham Hutson, Elizabeth Hutson, Jack Hatton and Alex Plent
Others Present: Cllr. David Moore (Cumberland), Libby Bateson (Fibrus) with four members of the Fibrus team and Jacqueline Williams (Clerk)
769/24 Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Cllr. Atkinson who is away, Cllr. Owens due to a bereavement and Cllr. Gray due to other commitments. All apologies were approved.
770/24 Declarations of Interest – none received.
771/24 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 11th September 2024
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 11th September 2024, pages 228 to 230 be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chair.
772/24 Public Participation
No members of the public were present.
773/24 Fibrus Presentation
Libby Bateman supported by members of the Fibrus team made a presentation to the Council on the number of poles and holes they would need to install or use for the hyperfast network. Libby explained that this was a government contract, and they did not need to apply for planning permission as it came under ‘permitted development.’ Fibrus are keen to work with communities to identify sites for plants for pollinators. The Clerk to put Fibrus on next agenda.
774/24 Cumberland Councillor Report
Cllr. Moore expressed his frustration at the length of time it is taking to address the double-yellow lines and other jobs. Cllr. Moore said he had arranged to meet with highways and Cllr. Unsworth said she would like to attend.
775/24 Planning Applications:
RESOLVED that the following applications have been considered and the Planning Authority be advised of the Council’s observations as follows:
T/2024/0166 Fell View Park, Gosforth – T5 Beech; T6 Beech; T9 Beech; T10 Beech; T11 Norway Maple; T12 Beech; T13 Beech; T14 Norway Maple; T15 Beech; T16 Beech; T17 Beech; T18 Beech; T19 Beech – all crown reduction by 4m; T7 Scots Pine and Ash tree (not covered under original TPO) – additional advice requested in relation to these trees as crown reduction may not be appropriate – support.
7/2024/4064 Stoneleigh, Gosforth – outline planning for two housing plots – agree in principle.
4/24/2338/0F1 Broom Farm, Gosforth – erection of steel framed building for cattle – no objections.
Planning Decisions: none received
Other planning matters: – none.
776/24 Financial Reports
The Clerk presented a bank reconciliation to 30th September and budget reports, noting the bank interest paid and the grant from LLWR for the final Bat Survey.
RESOLVED that the Bank Reconciliation to 30th September be received and noted.
RESOLVED that the schedule of payments be approved for payment.
777/24 Geological Disposal Facility
Cllr. Atkinson was not present. Cllr. Moore said that another member of the council could attend meetings in her place. Cllrs. said they had been told that this was not possible and Cllr. Moore said he would clarify the situation.
778/24 Car Park &Toilets
The Clerk had circulated the response from Cumberland which said that heads of terms could be drawn up, suggesting a 50-year lease and should charges be imposed, a percentage of turnover to the paid to Cumberland Council. Cllrs. agreed this was unreasonable and that it should be a percentage of profit, however residents are being consulted, through the Parish Plan questionnaire about the ownership and management of the car park.
Cllr. Unsworth said the relining the car park had been completed and all agreed it was an excellent job.
779/24 Parking
As requested, the Clerk had contacted the police regarding parking on a clearway. Cllr. Norman said the response was non-committal, but further clarification has been requested.
780/24 Playground & Playing Field
Cllr. Unsworth said the car park at the playing field may not be completed until next year.
781/24 Public Hall
The Clerk reported that Bat Survey reports had been forwarded to the architects so they could complete the documents for the planning permission application.
782/24 NDA Properties
Cllr. Norman said that no response had been received and a further letter will be sent and that the demolitions were being talked about locally. Cllr. Moore suggested that he and Cllr. Norman contact the chair of Calderbridge and Ponsonby parish council for an update.
783/24 Parish Plan
Cllr. Unsworth said the draft questionnaire had been completed and she would circulate. The text in red is Cllr. Owen’s comments.
784/24 Correspondence & Communications
An update on the Lithium Battery Safety bill has been received and all other correspondence has been circulated but nothing to discuss that is not already on the agenda.
785/24 Meetings
Cllr. Hatton attended the White-tailed Eagle event and reported that there had been no cases of white-tailed eagles taking lambs or other livestock. Cllr. Hatton also mentioned the Growing Well project at Egremont which provides veg boxes and mental health support.
786/24 Councillor Administration – none.
787/24 Councillor Matters
Cllr. Norman said we should buy salt for the grit bin on the car park. Cllr. Moore suggested the Clerk contact Cumberland. Cllr. Hatton reported the finger-post sign at Beck Place.
788/24 Items in Camera
Items in camera are dealt with in private in accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
Cllr. Norman said he was trying to arrange a meeting on the evening of 22nd October and asked the Clerk to check the availability of the library.
Clerk to re-circulate the Connecting Communities document.
The Clerk reported on the outcome of the grant application which had a series of special conditions. The Clerk was requested to contact the company to confirm the service and request their insurance document.
The Clerk will draft a leaflet and circulate for comment.
789/24 Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of Gosforth Parish Council is scheduled for 13th November 2024 at 6.30pm at Gosforth Library.
The meeting closed at 8.30pm.