
Minutes – AGM 8th May 2024

Minutes Uploaded on May 14, 2024

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Gosforth Parish Council held on 8th May 2024

Cllrs. Present: Cllr. Rachel Unsworth (Chair), Cllrs. Owens, Gray, Atkinson, and Plent

Also present: Jacqueline Williams (Clerk) and one member of the public.

679/24 Apologies for Absence

Apologies have been received from Cllrs. Graham and Elizabeth Hutson who are on holiday, Cllr. Norman who is unwell and Jack Hatton due to work commitments.

RESOLVED that the apologies be approved, and the reasons noted.

680/24 Election of Chairperson

RESOLVED that Cllr. Rachel Unsworth be elected Chairperson – Proposed: Cllr. Gray – Seconded: Cllr. Owens and agreed by all.

681/24 Acceptance of Office of the Chairperson

RESOLVED that the Acceptance of Office of the Chairperson be signed and witnessed by the Clerk. 

682/24 Election of Vice Chair

RESOLVED that Cllr. John Owens be elected Vice Chair – Proposed: Cllr. Atkinson – Seconded: Cllr. Unsworth and agreed by all.

683/24 Councillor Administration – none 

684/24 Other Appointments

RESOLVED that Councillors named in the attached list be appointed to the Finance Committee; the Village Care Committee; to external groups; to liaison roles and as appointed representatives and Trustees to the Public Hall and the Playing Field. 

685/24 Review of Standing Orders and Policies

Cllrs. thanked Cllr. Gray for his careful review of the documents and suggested amendments.

RESOLVED that the updated Standing Orders be approved and adopted.

RESOLVED that the Retention of Documents Policy, Data Protection Policy, Data Breach Policy and Press and Media Policy be approved and adopted.

686/24 Declarations of Interest – None received.

687/24 Minutes of the meeting held on 10th April 2024.

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 10th April 2024, pages 213 to 216, be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairperson.

688/24 Public Participation/Open Session

A member of the public made a presentation to Councillors regarding a planning application. 

689/24  Cumberland Councillors’ Report – not present

690/24 Planning Applications


RESOLVED that the following applications have been considered and the Planning Authority be advised of the Council’s observations as follows:

7/2024/4036 Part of Stables, Harecroft Hall, Gosforth – change of use from holiday let to local occupancy. Councillors agreed to support with conditions regarding water pressure and to query mains sewer connection.

7/2024/4033 Roundstone Lodge, Wellington – variation of conditions 1 and 2 (plans) of pp 7/2017/4078 re landscaping. Cllrs. agreed to object to the application on the potential negative impact to neighbouring properties and to comment on removal of trees and difference to approved plan.


7/2024/4006 Lion & Lamb, Gosforth – removal of condition 2 of pp 7/2002/4095 re access and parking – Granted

7/2024/4015 Former Gym and Stables, Harecroft Hall, Gosforth – amend of internal layout (pp 7/2023/4086) – Granted

Other Planning Matters:

A planning application for St. Mary’s School had been received after the agenda had been circulated. Cllr. Atkinson said a letter to neighbours should be delivered to the nursery.               

691/24 Financial Reports

691/24/1 RESOLVED that the Annual Internal Audit report 2023-24 be received and noted.

691/24/2 RESOLVED that the Annual Governance Statement 2023-24 be approved and signed by the Chairperson and Clerk/RFO.

691/24/3 RESOLVED that the Accounting Statement 2023-24 be approved and signed by the Chairperson and Clerk/RFO.

The signed forms and additional documents will be submitted to the external auditors.

The Clerk noted that the precept had been received.

691/24/4 RESOLVED that the Bank Reconciliation to 30th April 2024 be received and noted.

691/24/5 RESOLVED that the schedule of payments be approved for payment.

692/24 Geological Disposal Facility

Cllr. Atkinson said no meeting had taken place this month although the next meeting will be held shortly. They have been working with the scouts at Seascale.

693/24 Car Park & Toilets

The Clerk had written to Cumberland to ask for assistance with the relining and the drains but received a negative response. Cllrs. discussed relining the car park making the spaces wider to meet current standards. Cllr. Unsworth agreed to contact Highways regarding the contract.

Cllr. Unsworth reported the issues with the drains and said the Cllr. Norman has proposed that a meeting be held at the toilets to better explain his idea on how to resolve them. This may involve some renovation works and the Clerk was requested to check the lease.

Cllr. Atkinson had requested a revised quote for the removal of the moss but has not received one. It was agreed that the Clerk look for an alternative contractor.

Cllr. Atkinson asked if the list of required assistance from Sellafield has been sent. The Clerk to update the list and circulate prior to sending.

694/24 Playground

Cllr. Unsworth reported that the new playground will be finished by Friday or Saturday this week. There will not be an official opening. Cllr. Unsworth reported that Jack Denwood is stepping down from his work on the playing field after 15 years.

695/24 Public Hall

The Clerk circulated an email and attachments received from ACT following a meeting regarding the governing document of the Public Hall charity. The document registered with the Charity Commission is a transcription of the original 1930 conveyance. ACT have a different interpretation of the document and are suggesting changes to the structure of the charity and the trustees. Cllr. Gray agreed to attend a meeting of the Public Hall committee with ACT on 16th May.

696/24 NDA Properties

Work is on hold and a meeting has been arranged for 21st May.

697/24 Parish Plan

Cllr. Owens has secured a date for the first workshop which will be held on Monday 3rd June between 9am and 1pm (to be confirmed). Clerk to book the library.

698/24 Correspondence & Communications

Correspondence had been received from Fibrus regarding the installation of a PoP (Point of Presence) at the entrance to the village from the A595.

A letter from the Churchwarden and Chair of St. Mary’s Management Committee has been received and will be discussed ‘in camera’ at the next meeting.

Cllr. Unsworth reminded Cllrs. that they must all complete the Code of Conduct training and noted that correspondence on training courses has been circulated.

Cllr. Atkinson noted that a letter from LDNP had been received and requested that it be placed on our website and Facebook as it would be of interest to local residents.

699/24 Meetings – none attended. 

700/24 Councillor Matters – none raised.

701/24 Date of Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 12th June 2024 at 6.30pm.

Meeting closed at 9pm.