
Minibus Taxi Shopping Service

Gosforth Parish Council is pleased to announce the continuation of the Minibus Taxi Shopping Service to Seascale with two new pick up locations. From 3rd February the Service will pick up at Gosforth Car Park, the entrance to Ellerslie Park, Wellington and the entrance to Meadowfield. The service will run on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays as follows:

Gosforth Car Park 9.30am
Ellerslie Park (entrance) 9.35am
Meadowfield (entrance) 9.40am
Return from Seascale 10.40am


*Please note funding for this service runs out after 15th March but a further funding application has been submitted.

Gosforth Parish Council wishes to thank the Mid-Copeland GDF Community Partnership for their support.

*Village Wheels transport is available from Gosforth to Seascale Co-op on Wednesdays and Saturdays. For more information phone 01228 226430