Minutes of the Meeting of Gosforth Parish Council held on Wednesday 10th November 2021 at Gosforth Public Hall at 7pm
Present: Mark Fussell (Chairman), Rachel Unsworth (Vice Chair), Cllrs. Gray, Hutson and McKinley, Jacqueline Williams (Clerk)
187/21 Apologies for Absence
Written apologies have been received from Cllr. Norman due to illness and Cllrs. Pennington and Turner due to work commitments.
RESOLVED that all apologies be approved, and the reasons noted.
188/21 Declarations of Interest – none received
189/21 Minutes of the meeting held on 13th October 2021.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 8th September 2021, pages 129 to 132 be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
190/21 Public Participation – No members of the public were present.
191/21 County Councillor and District Councillors’ Reports
In his absence Cllr. Turner had reported that he has asked for ‘No entry’ markings on the road on Hardingill. Cllr. Hutson suggested an arrow sign to indicate the correct exit route.
192/21 Planning Applications
RESOLVED that the following applications are received and the Planning Authority be advised of the Council’s observations as follows: no objections
7/2021/4113 Wind Hall, Wellington – demolition of existing farmhouse and erection of new farmhouse with detached double garage – recommend tie to agricultural use or local occupancy
7/2021/4126 High Boonwood – farm diversification – siting of 5 touring caravans
7/2021/4136 Meadow Close – single storey alterations and extension
7/2021/4140 Newlyn, Wellington – rear extension, conversion of garage and change of roof line to front elevation
7/2021/4122 32 Meadowfield Grove – detached single garage – granted
7/2021/4116 5 Denton Park Court – garden wall – granted
Other Planning Matters:
Cllrs. discussed the Lion & Lamb Enforcement Notice Appeal letter from LDNPA and their request that neighbours be notified.
RESOLVED that the Clerk write a covering letter to be delivered to neighbouring properties with the letter from LDNPA. Cllr. Fussell offered to print and deliver.
A member of the public had written regarding the Parish Council’s decision on the planning application for the extension to the Wastewater Treatment works. Cllrs. were agreed that they could only assess an application on the information available at the time.
RESOLVED that the Clerk respond to the local resident.
A further email had been received from LDNPA regarding the Modification Order application for the footpath from Gatterigghow Bridge to Hollins Bridge.
RESOLVED that the Clerk respond with the requested information.
193/21 Financial Reports
RESOLVED that the Bank Reconciliation to 31st October 2021 be received and noted.
RESOLVED that the schedule of payments be approved for payment.
194/21 Public Toilets & Car Park
Cllr. Fussell reported that he had completed the survey, visiting the Car Park five times a day on five weekdays. The Clerk will circulate the report.
Cllr. Fussell noted that Greengarth park & ride should be re-opening soon.
Copeland had contacted the Clerk regarding the broken light and she had confirmed that the Parish Council were not responsible for maintaining the light.
Cllr. Gray reported that the Haverigg Community Team have not yet attended which could be due to the poor weather. He noted that the memorial bench is still to be installed and Cllr. Gray agreed to contact John Slater regarding the concrete base.
195/21 Platinum Jubilee
Cllr. Unsworth said that the tree planting has been postponed due to delivery delays.
196/21 Tourist Information Point
Cllr. Unsworth reported that work on the telephone box is complete and leaflets installed. She has spare paint and glass and will get some photos for the next edition of Tethera.
197/21 Defibrillator
Cllr. Gray confirmed that a defibrillator had been install at the Kellbank. Cllr. Gray had spoken to the Café about the other defibrillator and they are happy to have it installed on their premises. Cllr. Fussell said that signs to indicate we have defibrillators would be useful and the Clerk agreed to look into this. Cllr. Fussell agreed to contact the current host.
198/21 Playground
Cllr. Unsworth is working with a local resident on phase 2 of the playground to provide play equipment for older children and potentially an outdoor gym.
Fussell confirmed that he is still conducting monthly inspections and agreed to ensure the paperwork is up to date.
The Clerk will chase Copeland regarding the annual inspection.
199/21 War Memorial
Cllr. Unsworth reported that the offer of work had been rescinded following the change of specification.
200/21 Geological Disposal Facility
Cllr. Fussell had attended a meeting on 2nd November and the Parish Council has been officially invited to take a seat on the Mid Copeland GDF Community Partnership. The next phase of the process will involve a more detailed search including in the area of Gosforth not in the national park. Parishes within the search area will be able to access a total of £1m per year for community projects.
RESOLVED that the Clerk accept the invitation and that Cllr. Fussell will represent Gosforth Parish Council as a member of the Mid Copeland GDF Community Partnership.
201/21 Meetings
Cllr. Fussell had attended a WCSSG meeting which covered various issues including the use of equipment, known as ‘Fellside’ that produces steam and energy to the Sellafield site. This was due to be retired but will continue to be used for another 8 or 9 years until a more environmentally acceptable replacement is installed.
202/21 Standing Orders
RESOLVED that this item be place on the next agenda.
203/21 Councillor Administration – none
204/21 Councillor Matters
Cllr. Gray: – the Land Registry has informed the process to register the land will take 6 – 9 months.
Cllr. Hutson: – said there was a large pothole on Petton Place – Cllr. Fussell has reported it.
Cllr. Fussell: – noted there is a light not working on the hill past the pottery.
Cllr. Unsworth: – has been approached by a local resident concerned about the traffic speed on Hardingill and the land which appears to have been claimed for parking and built up which they fear could cause an accident.
205/21 Items in Camera
Items in camera are dealt with in private in accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
Cllr. Gray declared an interest and temporarily left the meeting.
The Clerk read out three Freedom of Information requests from a local resident which are required to be responded to within 20 working days. Cllrs. agreed that the information requested be supplied with all personal email addresses redacted.
RESOLVED that the Clerk respond with the information requested.
206/21 Date of Next Meeting
The date of the next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 8th December 2021 at 7pm.
Meeting closed at 9pm.