Cumberland Council are promoting social prescribing which aims to improve health and wellbeing in a non-medical way. Download the poster here to find out more. Social Prescribing Poster...
Public Resilience Campaign – Emergency Preparation
How would you prepare for an emergency? In a newly launched website, the government is encouraging people to think about what they would do if they and those around them were exposed to risks...
Visitor Management measures by Lake District National Park
The Lake District National Park has written to local councils to provide an update on the work that is being undertaken in the area of Visitor Management. This work is being led by the Cumbria...
Family Services in Cumberland – Have your say
Cumberland Council are inviting members of the public to take part in a survey with a chance to win a £100 Amazon gift card. Their aim is to better meet the needs of children, young people and...
Cumberland Council’s Winter Help Leaflet
Cumberland Council have circulated a Winter Help Leaflet with telephone numbers for a range of help services, including Emergency Help, Domestic Abuse, Food Help, Mental Health, Financial Support and...
Parents encouraged to apply for support with Childcare Costs
From 2 January 2024, eligible working parents can apply for 15 hours of childcare for their two-year-old. Parents have until 31 March 2024 to apply for a code, with mid-January to the end of February...
Commissioner asks the public their view on Policing budget proposals
Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (PFCC), Peter McCall is responsible for setting the policing element of council tax each year, and today opens the council tax precept consultation, asking for...
Cumberland Council’s Food Insecurity Survey
Help Cumberland Council understand the extent of food insecurity and related issues in the area, by completing their survey. The council has been working with the University of Liverpool to develop...
South Cumberland Community Panel Network Event
Free advice to help reduce energy wastage and save money
The Green Doctor is available to offer free advice on energy saving measures. See below their newsletter for more information and contact link. Green Doctor North...