Minutes of the Gosforth Parish Council meeting held on 12th July 2023 at 7pm at Gosforth Library
Present: Mark Fussell (Chairman), Rachel Unsworth (Vice-Chair), Cllrs. Atkinson, Owens and Gray
Others present: Anthony Millard (Playing Field) and Jacqueline Williams (Clerk)
523/23 Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Cllr. Norman due to family illness and Cllr. Hutson who is on holiday.
RESOLVED that the apologies be approved and the reasons noted.
524/23 Declarations of Interest – none
525/23 Minutes of the meeting held on 14th June 2023
Cllrs. noted that all actions had been completed.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the last Parish Council Meeting held on 14th June 2023, pages 188 to 190 be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
526/23 Public Participation
Anthony Millard from the Playing Field committee attended to discuss the request the Parish Council had received regarding a grant for works to the playing field. Anthony confirmed he had not been consulted and the Clerk read out the email from the Junior Football club. Cllr. Fussell suggested that a meeting between all stakeholders is needed for clarification.
527/23 Cumberland Councillor Report – not in attendance.
528/23 Planning Applications:
RESOLVED that the following applications have been considered and the Planning Authority be advised of the Council’s observations as follows:
4/23/2170/0F1 Fleming Hall, Gosforth – Replacement/extension to farm building – No objections
4/23/2173/0N1 Broom Farm, Gosforth – Steel portal building covering existing parlour collecting yard and handling facilities – No objections
4/23/2180/0F1 Sellafield – Demolition of metals recycling facility office – No objections
4/23/2182/0N1 Tarn How, Gosforth – Steel framed building – No objections
7/2023/4041 Harecroft Hall, Gosforth – construction of 3 single-storey detached dwellings for local occupancy following the withdrawal of 7/2023/4092 – Granted with conditions.
Other planning matters:
The correspondence received regarding Hallsenna Barn was discussed and Cllrs. agreed that it would be inappropriate for the Parish Council to get involved at this stage.
A letter from the construction company regarding the start of work on the land adjacent to Ellerslie had been circulated and official notification regarding a road closure is expected.
529/23 Financial Reports
The Clerk presented a bank reconciliation to 30th June 2023 and noted the purchase of a filing cabinet. Budget reports were presented and the Clerk noted the expenditure of the grant for the Public Hall options appraisal. The Clerk said that the balance of the grant for the outdoor gym has been received.
RESOLVED that the Bank Reconciliation to 30th June 2023 be received and noted.
RESOLVED that the schedule of payments be approved for payment.
530/23 Playing Field
Although it had been suggested that providing goal posts for the general public was unnecessary, the Clerk reminded Cllrs. that it had been agreed to provide them at the last meeting.
531/23 Parking
Cllr. Fussell had attended the Car Park with members of the transport team from Sellafield. Approximately 20 people used the bus and about 80% of those were not lodging in the village. They had several conversations and contractors said that they had been told that parking in Gosforth was an option. Sellafield have spoken to contractors to advise this is not an option. Cllrs. agreed that the situation was improving but we should continue to monitor the situation. The Clerk had made a start at completing the Asset Transfer form. Cllr. Atkinson expressed concerns about management and maintenance of the car park. Cllrs. assured her that the Parish Council had been maintaining the car park for several decades and Cllr. Owens offered to take on any maintenance issues. It was agreed to continue pursuing the Asset Transfer.
532/23 Car Park & Toilets
Cllr. Unsworth reported that the upgrade was now complete with new splashbacks, tissue dispensers and babychange installed. Cllr. Unsworth reported a problem with the lock on the back door and offered to get a replacement lock.
533/23 Playground/Outdoor Gym
Cllr. Unsworth had circulated the Caloo design and quote for a new playground and she is expecting to receive two more soon. Cllr. Unsworth said they could be displayed at Gosforth Show for public consultation. The Clerk to request use of the display boards.
534/23 Gravel Pit
Cllr. Gray confirmed the valuation which he had received and said we should find out the views of the tenant and offer first refusal. Cllr. Gray agreed to discuss this with Cllr. Norman.
535/23 Geological Disposal Facility
Cllr. Fussell reported that the community partnership held a meeting at Calderbridge on 26th June. They are planning a visit to a facility in Finland which is nearing completion. The policy for communities to come forward has no end date and they are pushing for deadlines to be put in place. Several studies on infrastructure, transport etc., are being carried out and the off-shore survey data is being interpreted. Cllr. Fussell reported that £660K of funding was already committed and the funding would reset in November.
536/23 Bench
Cllr. Gray explained that the bench is braced which could make the replacement of the wood too difficult for a volunteer. Cllrs. agreed that, for reasons of liability, we should commission J D Moore to carry out the work.
537/23 Correspondence & Communications
A copy of a letter from the WI to the school regarding the repainting of the new play equipment had been received. Cllr. Fussell declared an interest as a school governor but said that the school had the job in hand.
Cllr. Fussell said that several email exchanges with Cllr. Moore regarding the Viking Way had taken place and that the grass had been cut. The hedges can be cut once the nesting season is over. Cllrs. requested the Clerk contact Cllr. Moore to confirm what arrangements are in place, i.e. number of cuts per season, length of contract, etc., and to inform him of the next meeting date.
The Clerk had circulated the response from the grass-cutting team. Cllrs. Fussell and Owens were dissatisfied with the quality of the work and requested the Clerk set up an on-site meeting.
There was a short discussion about alternative contractors and Cllrs. requested the Clerk contact them for a quotation and consult Cllr. Norman who may know of other contractors.
538/23 Meetings
Cllrs. Fussell, Atkinson and Unsworth had attended Public Hall meetings and there was a short discussion about the building condition report and M & E report. Cllr. Owens offered to look over the M&E report – Clerk to send.
539/23 Councillor Administration – none
540/23 Councillor Matters
Cllr. Atkinson said that the Cactus near the telephone box needs cutting back and requested Cllr. Gray’s advice.
Cllr. Gray said he may need to cordon off the Public Hall car park for the flagpole maintenance and he would need information on activities once a date for the work had been agreed.
541/23 Items in Camera – none
Items in camera are dealt with in private in accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
542/23 Date of Next Meeting
Due to holidays, it was agreed to move the next meeting of Gosforth Parish Council to 20th September 2023 at 7pm at Gosforth Library.
The meeting closed at 9pm.