
Minutes 13th April 2022

Minutes Uploaded on April 26, 2022

Minutes of the Meeting of Gosforth Parish Council on 13th April 2022 held at Gosforth Public Hall 7pm

Please note these minutes are subject to approval at the next meeting of the Parish Council

Present: Cllrs. Mark Fussell (Chairman), Rachel Unsworth (Vice-Chair), Tyson Norman, Graham Hutson, Jacqueline Willams (Clerk) and four members of the public

269/22 Apologies for Absence

Apologies have been received from Cllr. Gray due to illness and Cllr. Turner due to other commitments.

RESOLVED that both apologies be approved, and the reasons noted.

270/22 Declarations of Interest – none received

271/22 Minutes of the meeting held on 9th March 2022.

The Clerk said she had contacted Eskdale regarding the proposed Fred Whitton Challenge meeting but had only received an automatic response. Cllr. Unsworth noted that Cllr. Turner had reported that the ‘No Entry’ sign on the road was not being actioned.

RESOLVED that the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 9th March 2022, pages 142 to 144 be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

272/22 Public Participation

A member of the public, concerned about speeding traffic, spoke about the lack of signage to remind drivers of the speed limits on Hardingill and said that signs painted on the road were fading out. He had talked to Cllr. Turner previously about speeding and data had been collected, the average was considered to be within the limits. The resident said that he had requested the data but had not received it. Cllrs. suggested that he contact Cllr. Turner again to request contact with Highways Engineers to discuss the position directly with them.

273/22  County Councillor and District Councillors’ Reports

Cllrs. Turner and Pratt were not present.

274/22 Planning Applications:


RESOLVED that the following applications are received and the Planning Authority be advised of the Council’s observations as follows: no objections

4/22/2124/0F1 Sellafied – Standby Emergency Generation Project

7/2022/4022 Moorside Farm, Holmrook – Agricultural workers dwelling

Decisions: None received

Other Planning matters:

T/2022/0060 Fell View Park – reduce 2 beech trees by 3m

Councillors discussed a response from a resident who had pointed out that all the trees require reducing and asked why only two trees are included in the planning application. Cllrs. raised no objections and that the Clerk should include the views of the local resident in her response.

RESOLVED that the Clerk respond to the Planning Authority.

A Second Homes survey is being conducted by LDNPA with two questions regarding planning permission and business rates relief.

275/22 Financial Reports

The Clerk presented Budget Reports and a Bank Reconciliation and reported that a VAT refund request has been submitted. The Clerk will update the Asset Register and bring it to the next meeting for approval. The Annual Governance & Accounting Statement 2021-2022 has been submitted to the Internal Auditor.

RESOLVED that the Bank Reconciliation to 31st March 2022 be received and noted.

RESOLVED that the schedule of payments be approved for payment.

276/22 Traffic & Roads

Cllr. Fussell said that a joint communication with the Nursery and School has been sent out regarding parking, speed limits, etc. to help resolve the parking issues around the school and on Denton Park.

Cllr. Unsworth reported that there were seven cars parked on the Eskdale side of Whitecroft and cars are parking on the pavement which is causing chaos. Cllr. Fussell said we should continue to monitor the situation and ask Cllr. Turner for advice.

277/22 Public Toilets & Car Park

For the benefit of members of the public, Cllr. Fussell introduced the issue with some background before turning to the recent correspondence offering a five-year lease and £5,000 towards the refurbishment of the toilets. It was noted that there appears to be no consistent approach with St. Bees PC given a 99-year lease and asset transfers to other Parish Councils. After a short discussion, Cllrs. agreed in principle to accept the new lease but require sight of the terms of the lease before making a final decision.

RESOLVED that the Clerk respond requesting a draft lease for consideration.

278/22 Playground

Cllrs. thanked Anthony Millard for responding quickly following a meeting at the Playing Field. Hawthorn bushes have been planted and a temporary fence installed to fill the gaps in the hedge.

Cllr. Unsworth gave an update on the playground. School children from Years 5 and 6 have been consulted with good feedback. Playground equipment companies are being approached and once they have produced proposals and designs, public consultation with take place.

279/22 Small Councils Committee/NALC

The Clerk had circulated the email from NACL about the small councils committee and suggested continuing to lobby on allowing small councils to host some meetings virtually, would be useful. Cllrs. agreed.

280/22 Geological Disposal Facility

Cllr. Fussell had attended a very positive community partnership meeting. The events at Gosforth had the highest attendance and the most interest in grant applications with a high potential value. There will be more events in May and October focussed on more technical issues. A seabed survey will commence soon so large vessels will be seen in the area.

281/22 War Memorial

Cllr. Gray was not in attendance so no progress was reported.

282/22 Defibrillator

Cllr. Fussell noted that the Defibrillator has been moved from the shop to the café and now requires registration.

283/22 Tourist Information Signs

The Clerk said that Cllr. Gray was concerned that the signs were still pointing in the wrong direction. Cllr. Unsworth had tried to turn them around but could not move them.

284/22 Trees at the Entrance to Denton Park

No further response has been received since the Clerk received an email saying that the officer would get back to her after consulting with a colleague.  The Clerk will request an update.

285/22 Meetings

Cllr. Unsworth had attended a funding meeting which had not been very useful. Cllr. Fussell had attended a GDF meeting as previously reported.

286/22 Councillor Administration/Recruitment

Cllrs. welcomed a member of the public who is interested in becoming a Councillor. Four vacancies can now be filled by co-option.

287/22 Councillor Matters

Cllr. Hutson has been approached by the President of the Rotary who suggested a vegetable/salad planter box at the Car Park.

Cllr. Norman requested a letter of authority to allow him to approach the NDA, on behalf of the Parish Council, regarding the removal of the Newton Manor coat of arms which will be kept at the Library.

288/22 Items in Camera

Items in camera are dealt with in private in accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.

Cllr. Norman declared an interest.

Cllrs. discussed recent correspondence from a local resident and agreed to write a letter of support for the proposed educational project.

RESOLVED that the Clerk draft a letter for circulation and approval.

289/22 Date of Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting (AGM) and the Annual Parish Meeting are scheduled for Wednesday 11th May 2022 at 7pm. Meeting closed at 9pm.