Minutes of the meeting of Gosforth Parish Council on 9th November 2022 at 7pm at Gosforth Library
Present: Mark Fussell (Chairman), Rachel Unsworth (Vice Chair) and Councillors David Gray, Graham Hutson, Tyson Norman and Jackie Atkinson
Also present: Cllr. Andy Pratt (CALC & CBC), Jacqueline Williams (Clerk) and one member of the public
375/22 Apologies for Absence – none received.
376/22 Declarations of Interest – no declarations.
377/22 Minutes of the meeting held on 12th October 2022
Cllr. Atkinson and Anthony Millard had carried out work on the flower beds and shrubs at the Car Park. The Chairman thanked them both for their work. Cllr. Atkinson will be approaching groups about adopting tubs and reported that the trees need cutting back.
Cllr. Norman confirmed that Ponsonby PC are prepared to share the cost of the Code of Conduct training.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 12th October 2022, pages 161 to 164 be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
378/22 Public Participation – none.
379/22 County Councillor and District Councillors’ Reports
Cllr. Pratt reported that the new recycling bins had been distributed, although some households had been missed. Cllr. Pratt said there is a consultation in process on the new parliamentary boundaries with Gosforth coming within Whitehaven/Workington ward. He said Cumbria would end up with 5 MPs from 6. CALC held their AGM recently and voted to become a CIO (community interest organisation). The local government reorganisation is progressing and the Clerk reminded Councillors about the virtual meeting on 15th November.
380/22 Planning Applications:
7/2022/4092 Harecroft Hall – construction of 3 single storey dwellings as holiday accommodation
The Chairman reported on a site visit he had attended with Cllr. Unsworth and said they were impressed with developments and said there was some good thinking behind who might use the accommodation including charities.
4/22/2433/0F1 Sellafield – demolition of welfare building – no objections
4/22/2434/0F1 Sellafield – demolition of office and welfare building – no objections
The Lake District National Park planning authority have made the following decisions:
T/2022/0130 Fell View Park – fell one Beech tree – Refused. Cllr. Gray agreed to talk to the resident who had raised concerns about the tree.
7/2022/4060 Land on Bleng Fell – steel frame barn – Granted.
6.3 Other planning matters:
Cllr. Norman raised a planning application (4/22/2419/0F1) for a pedestrian bridge submitted by the NDA which should have been sent to Gosforth PC as it is on the boundary.
381/22 Financial Reports
The Clerk presented a Bank Reconciliation and noted a refund from PHS Group.
RESOLVED that the Bank Reconciliation to 31st October 2022 be received and noted.
RESOLVED that the schedule of payments be approved for payment.
382/22 Parking
Cllr. Norman had been closing the gate to the playing field and had put notices on cars. This seems to have improved parking at the playing field but worsened the village car park. Cllr. Unsworth commented that it was full most of the time. Cllr. Hutson raised the issue of parking at the entrance to Denton Park. Cllr. Norman raised people parking outside the shop. After a wide-ranging discussion it was RESOLVED that the following actions be taken:
Cllr. Fussell to liaise with Sellafield about marshalling the car park and to discuss options or suggest areas for an alternative car park.
Cllr. Fussell to contact the school to discuss what further measures can be taken.
The Clerk to contact Copeland to ask if they would be able to place an order on the car park or whether we could do it so that parking restrictions can be put in place.
The Clerk to contact Copeland BC to ask for a Traffic Warden to attend.
The Clerk to contact the Police regarding car parking throughout the village.
The Clerk to contact LDNPA regarding the loss of a public house car park.
383/22 Car Park Maintenance
The Clerk had phoned the company to arrange a date for the re-lining, but they had not yet responded. It was suggested that it was a bad time of year due to weather and fallen leaves.
RESOLVED that the relining of the car park be arranged for Spring 2023.
384/22 Outdoor Gym
Cllr. Unsworth announced that the funding application for an outdoor gym has been successful and the contract will follow shortly. The money will be paid 10% up front and quarterly thereafter.
Cllrs. Unsworth agreed to talk to them about the refurbishment of the Toilets.
385/22 Playing Field
Cllr. Fussell reported on the meeting with the football clubs and said the matter had been resolved. Cumbria Football Assciation have funding for re-seeding pitches. It was suggested that the MUGA could be used in the Winter months if floodlights were installed. Cllr. Unsworth said this could be included in phase 2 of the playground improvements. Planning permission may be needed.
386/22 Public Hall
The Clerk reported that the funding application for the refurbishment of the public hall had been deferred. Cllr. Atkinson said she could contact Lamplugh re their new village hall.
387/22 Geological Disposal Facility
Cllrs. Fussell and Pratt reported on the first public meeting of the Mid-Copeland Community Partnership. They are developing links with local schools to get opinions of young people. Recruitment of members is now closed with all vacancies filled in December but there may be other areas to cover, such as environment, in the future.
388/22 Planting for Pollinators
Cllr. Atkinson reported that we had missed the scheme for this year and are on a reserves list. There have been plenty of suggestions for areas including between the entrance to Meadowfield and the Kellbank. Cllr. Atkinson has approached the Young Farmers but it is unlikely to be next year unless the Parish Council can get alternative funding.
389/22 Damaged Signs & Trip Hazard
Cllr. Gray circulated photographs of two signs; the Beck Place sign which is loose and another near Nether Wasdale which was damaged in an accident. Cllr. Fussell said he had reported the latter sign but will do so again and encouraged others to report it online. Cllr. Fussell said he would contact a builder to secure the Beck Place sign.
Cllr. Gray circulated a photograph of concrete flags which are a trip hazard. The Clerk will contact Copeland BC and Cllr. Pratt supplied a contact name.
390/22 Benches
Cllr. Gray said that a local resident adopted the benches at the top and bottom of Leagate in 2012 and he is now unable to continue. Cllr. Gray sanded an area of the wood on the bench at the top and said the wood is sound. Cllrs. agreed that the style of the bench suits the location.
RESOLVED that the Clerk offer the bench for adoption on condition that the adoptee arrange for the bench to be renovated to a high standard and thereafter a plaque may be installed.
Cllr. Gray has been approached another resident who would like to sponsor a bench half way up to Mill Lane, near the entrance to Ellerslie Park. Cllr. Gray offered to contact Highways to ask for any comments.
391/22 Viking Way
Cllr. Fussell said the cycleway is very slippery and agreed to contact Paul Turner.
392/22 Correspondence & Communications
A copy of a letter sent to the school by the WI had been circulated. Cllr. Fussell said the school are going to have the equipment painted green to cover the bright red. Cllr. Gray offered to talk to the WI representative.
In response to a request for an update on Blengdale Forest, the Forestry Commission said they are repairing the potholes and the removal of the storm damaged trees is progressing but the path is still closed. In answer to a query regarding the beaver introductions in Ennerdale, the Forester (Alex Baines) said he could not see this affecting Blengdale forest in any way. Cllr. Norman has concerns that the beavers could spread to the upper reaches of the Calder over time. Cllr. Atkinson requested the Clerk respond to the resident who had asked about the re-opening of the path along the river.
Trudy Harrison, MP is to host two events aimed at the farming community. The Clerk will post on facebook and the website.
393/22 Meetings
Cllr. Hutson will be attending an Enablers meeting.
Cllr. Unsworth said the first Warm & Well session had low attendance but may grow in time.
394/22 Councillor Administration/Recruitment
As it is now six months to the next election, we are not required to wait fourteen days to co-opt should a Councillor resign.
395/22 Councillor Matters
Cllr. Atkinson had been approached by a resident who asked about a memorial to our late Queen.
Cllr. Gray requested the Clerk include the Gravel Pit on the next agenda.
Cllr. Fussell reported that the Defibrillator at the Café has been re-installed following a software update and a new battery.
396/22 Items in Camera
Items in camera are dealt with in private in accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
The Clerk raised a request for a copy of correspondence regarding a planning application. The correspondence requested was not regarding a planning application and councillors agreed that sending a copy would contravene data protection regulations, however a copy of the relevant minutes could be sent.
The Clerk explained the reason given to her for the delay in responding to complaints regarding a property.
397/22 Date of Next Meeting
The date of the next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 14th December 2022 at 7pm. The meeting closed at 9.15pm.