The 'Plant a Tree for Jubilee' event planned for Sunday 14th November has been postponed until further notice due to a delay in the delivery of the trees. As soon as a delivery date has been...
Parish News
Tactical Visitor Management Group – Summer 2021
The Tactical Visitor Management Group was formed in October 2020 in response to the visitor management challenges of the pandemic and the pandemic recovery, recognising the need to work across...
Copeland GDF Working Group Exhibition Roadshow
An exhibition roadshow is taking place during September to allow people to find out more about what a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) is and what it could mean for Copeland. A GDF is an...
Your Parish… Your Say… Community Led Plan
The Parish Council is launching a consultation to facilitate a Community Led Plan giving all residents the chance to determine a future vision for Gosforth. Look out for the Questionnaires which...
Gosforth Covid-19 Assistance
Gosforth Parish Council are working together to support you. Gosforth Parish Council have held an emergency meeting to discuss the impact of Covid-19 to the village of Gosforth. We have put...
Welcome to our new Website!
Welcome to our new Website! Launched in June 2019, we hope that this site will keep you informed about the work and activities of your Parish Council. If you live in the Parish and would like us to...