Cumberland Council is launching an ambitious new campaign to tackle the littering problem that affects communities across the area. With more than two million pieces of litter dropped every day in...
Parish News
Miterdale: Past & Present
Councillor Jack Hatton is giving a talk on Miterdale: Past and Present - see poster...
Minibus Service to Seascale starts 28th October
Minibus Shopping Service to Seascale Following the fire at the village shop, Gosforth Parish Council has arranged for an 8-seater minibus service from Gosforth to Seascale. The minibus service is...
Temporary Closure of Gosforth Car Park
Gosforth Car Park is being relined on Thursday night 3rd October between 7pm and 5am Friday 4th. Please ensure that all cars are removed from the car park before 4.30pm on Thursday when the entrance...
Help create a community vision
Mid Copeland GDF Community Partnership would like to know what matters to people living in Gosforth electoral ward by gathering a wide range of views and ideas from across the community. The...
Visitor Management measures by Lake District National Park
The Lake District National Park has written to local councils to provide an update on the work that is being undertaken in the area of Visitor Management. This work is being led by the Cumbria...
Commissioner asks the public their view on Policing budget proposals
Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (PFCC), Peter McCall is responsible for setting the policing element of council tax each year, and today opens the council tax precept consultation, asking for...
South Cumberland Community Panel Network Event
Public Hall Refurbishment Open Day – 16th September 2023
In April 2023, the Parish Council received a grant for surveys and to generate proposals for the refurbishment of the Public Hall. Come along to our drop-in open day event on Saturday 16th September...
£12.4 million secured for energy efficiency upgrades to 600 Cumbrian homes
Westmorland and Furness Council and Cumberland Council and are delighted to announce that they have been successful in their bid for a minimum of £12.4 million in funding from the Department of...