Minutes of the meeting held by Gosforth Parish Council on 19th April 2023 at Gosforth Library
Present: Councillors Mark Fussell (Chair), Rachel Unsworth (Vice-Chair), Graham Hutson, David Gray, Jackie Atkinson and Tyson Norman
Others present: Jacqueline Williams (Clerk/RFO) and two members of the public
461/23 Apologies for Absence – none
462/23 Declarations of Interest
Cllr. Norman declared an interest as an invoice from his company is included on the bank reconciliation.
463/23 Minutes of the meeting held on 8th March 2023
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 8th March 2023, pages 177 to 179 be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman. Proposed by Cllr. Hutson and agreed.
Action to contact LDNPA for an update on the Lion & Lamb not completed.
Action re letter to Scouts/Beavers not completed Cllr. Atkinson agreed to forward contact details.
464/23 Public Participation – none
465/23 Cumberland Councillor Report – none attended.
Cllrs. requested the Clerk write to David Moore with our meeting dates.
466/23 Planning Applications:
RESOLVED that the following applications have been considered and the Planning Authority be advised of the Council’s observations as follows:
7/2023/4004 Low Moorside, Holmrook – agricultural workers dwelling (reserved matters) – No objections.
Decisions: – none.
Other planning matters:
Correspondence regarding the addition of solar panels and some minor alterations to the development on land adjacent to Ellerslie was noted.
A revised planning application for Ivy Cottage had been received with the addition of a temporary static caravan.
467/23 Financial Reports
The Clerk presented a Bank Reconciliation and noted expenditure relating to the outdoor gym.
RESOLVED that the Bank Reconciliation to 31st March 2023 be received and noted.
RESOLVED that the schedule of payments and the balance of the grant to the Public Hall & Library be approved for payment. The Clerk has completed the Annual Governance and Accountability Return which is now with the internal auditor. The Asset Register has been updated with the outdoor gym equipment, bike rack and additional defibrillator. Cllrs. requested the Clerk circulate for approval.
Cllrs. agreed to the purchase of a new laptop which is included in the budget.
468/23 Parking
Cllr. Unsworth reported that parking around the entrance to Meadowfield seems to have improved. Cllr. Fussell reported seeing twelve cars parked at the playing field with nobody on the field. He has witnessed people getting off the bus and straight into cars which suggests they are getting on the bus without a bus pass. This has been reported to Sellafield who are rigorously checking addresses. Cllr. Fussell said that there are 90 bus passes registered in Gosforth which seems quite high. Cllr. Atkinson pointed out that people may have registered but do not use them. Cllr. Unsworth has spoken to Anthony Millard regarding parking and installing signs.
Cllr. Hutson said he receives regular complaints regarding parking at the entrance to Denton Park.
469/23 Car Park Maintenance
Cllrs. requested the Clerk write to Cumberland Council to open the subject of the asset transfer. Cllr. Unsworth reported that the disabled toilet and redecoration has been completed. She is going to install a baby change unit, hand dryer and metal splash guards. Cllr. Unsworth is looking into toilet tissue dispensers and asked the Clerk to confirm the toilet roll we use.
Cllrs. reported that the grass at the car park has not been cut.
470/23 Playground/Outdoor Gym
Cllr. Unsworth reported that the Outdoor Gym Open Day had been successful and a further mini-Open Day for a group had taken place.
471/23 Gravel Pit
Cllr. Gray reported that the surveyor had attended, and the Land Registry advise that everything has been covered but they need to contact the adjacent landowners.
472/23 Geological Disposal Facility
Cllr. Fussell said the last event was enhanced with virtual reality headsets, models etc. Gosforth is the most well attended of all the venues for the events and the grants are benefitting the community with recent First Aid Sessions for year 3 students at schools.
473/23 Bench
Two volunteers had applied to sponsor the refurbishment of the bench at the bottom of Leagate. Cllr. Gray said that the wood needs replacing, and it was agreed that the Clerk should contact a local joiner.
The memorial bench at the entrance to Ellerslie Park has been ordered.
474/23 Correspondence
An email from a Ponsonby resident was received complaining about speeding traffic at New Mill. Cllrs. requested the Clerk to respond explaining that the Parish Council realises that this is an issue and has been applying pressure on Highways which resulted in the speed limit being reduced to 40mph.
An email regarding the Rifle Club had been received. Cllr. Norman said that the NDA were unaware of this issue until it was made public. Cllrs. requested the Clerk respond saying as far as the Parish Council is concerned, this is a local amenity and everything necessary should be done for the Rifle Club and Cllrs. believe that the West Cumbria Sites Stakeholders Group would be best placed to act on this.
475/23 Meetings
Cllr. Unsworth had a further meeting with the Scouts regarding the potential use of the Pavilion. They are going to discuss what they need and will get back to us. There was a brief discussion on terms and the Clerk suggested a simple Memorandum of Understanding could be used.
Cllr. Norman had a meeting with the NDA and reported on the various properties and ongoing projects. He stated that the NDA have a better understanding of local feeling on their properties.
476/23 Councillor Matters
Cllr. Gray said he would be handing over the flag duties soon and reported that several trees have died on the land near Ellerslie and Cllrs. requested the Clerk contact Castles & Coasts.
Cllr. Atkinson outlined the competitions being held for the coronation including best decorated business, house, crown, and cupcake. She will be working with the WI at the Coffee Morning on 8th May and the judging will be done by four local volunteers.
Cllr. Norman raised the footpath modification order. After a discussion Cllrs. requested the Clerk respond to say that the Parish Council supports the footpath in principle but with a bridge in place when it becomes feasible to install one.
Cllr. Hutson said the hedge along the path near the substation had been cut back but only slightly.
Cllr. Unsworth reported a pothole on Hardingill.
477/23 Items in Camera – none
Items in camera are dealt with in private in accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
478/23 Date of Next Meeting
The meeting closed at 9pm. The next meeting of Gosforth Parish Council will be the Annual Parish Meeting followed by the Annual General Meeting and will take place on 10th May 2023 at 7pm at Gosforth Library. (Note: the May meeting has been postponed to 17th May, 2023)