
Minutes – May 2023

Minutes Uploaded on May 30, 2023

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Gosforth Parish Council held on 17th May 2023

Present: Cllrs. Mark Fussell, Rachel Unsworth, David Gray, Tyson Norman and Jackie Atkinson.

Also present: Jacqueline Williams (Clerk), and three members of the public.

479/23 Apologies for Absence

Apologies have been received from Cllr. Hutson who is on vacation.

RESOLVED that the apology be approved and the reason noted.

480/23 Election of Chairman

RESOLVED that Cllr. Mark Fussell be elected Chairman – Proposed: David Gray – Seconded: Rachel Unsworth and agreed by all.

481/23 Acceptance of Office of the Chairman

RESOLVED that the Acceptance of Office of the Chairman be signed and witnessed by the Clerk.

482/23 Election of Vice Chair

RESOLVED that Cllr. Rachel Unsworth be elected Vice Chair – Proposed: Mark Fussell – Seconded: David Gray and agreed by all.

483/23 Councillor Administration/Co-option

RESOLVED that John Owens be co-opted as a member of Gosforth Parish Council – Proposed: Rachel Unsworth – Seconded: Mark Fussell and agreed by all. A declaration of acceptance of office was signed and witnessed by the Clerk.

484/23 Other Appointments

RESOLVED that Councillors named in the attached list be appointed to the Finance Committee; the Village Care Committee; to external groups; to liaison roles and as appointed representatives and Trustees to the Public Hall and the Playing Field.

485/23 Declarations of Interest – None received 

486/23 Minutes of the meeting held on 19th April 2023.

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 19th April 2023, pages 180 to 182, be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

487/23 Public Participation/Open Session

A member of the public made a presentation to Councillors regarding a planning application.

The Chair of the Juniors Football Club gave an update, saying that they currently had 24 members and were hoping to double that. They run groups for under 8’s and under 9’s and may start an under 7’s in the future. The club are applying for a £10K grant for new football goals and other training gear and requested a letter of support. The Chair of the club has been liaising with Anthony Millard regarding use of the playing field and storage.                                                              

488/23  Cumberland Councillors’ Report – not present

489/23 Planning Applications


RESOLVED that the following applications have been considered and the Planning Authority be advised of the Council’s observations as follows:

7/2023/4039 Wind Hall, Wellington – erection of 2 cabins for short-term holiday use as part of a farm diversification following withdrawal of 7/2022/4032.

Councillors noted the access issue had been addressed and agreed to support the application.

7/2023/4041 Harecroft Hall, Gosforth – erection of 3 single storey dwellings for local occupancy following the withdrawal of 7/2022/4092. Councillors discussed the change from holiday lets to local occupancy. Cllr. Norman was concerned about the visibility of the buildings from the road.

Decisions: None received.

Other Planning Matters:

Cllr. Gray asked if the two cottages behind the Globe were for local occupancy.

RESOLVED that the Clerk requests the information from LDNPA.

490/23 Financial Reports

490/23/1 RESOLVED that the Annual Internal Audit report 2022-23 be received and noted.

490/23/2 RESOLVED that the Annual Governance Statement 2022-23 be approved and signed by the Chairman.

490/23/3 RESOLVED that the Accounting Statement 2021-22 be approved and signed by the Chairman.

The signed forms and additional documents will be submitted to the external auditors.

The Clerk noted that the precept had been received.

490/23/4 RESOLVED that the Bank Reconciliation to 30th April 2023 be received and noted.

The Clerk requested that a payment of £223.03 be added to the schedule of payments for approval. This amount is the balance of the GDF Library grant which GDF have agreed can be used as a contribution to the electrical works carried out at the Public Hall/Library recently.

490/23/5 RESOLVED that the schedule of payments and the additional payment to the Public Hall be approved for payment.

491/23 Traffic and Parking

Cllr. Fussell commented that the Car Parks are still busy. He added that he had used the bus recently and the driver was asking for bus passes. 

492/23 Public Toilets & Car Park

Cllr. Norman said that camper vans overnighting in the Car Park was a problem. After a brief discussion regarding signage, Cllr. Fussell suggested that pressing Cumberland regarding asset transfer was more important and asked the Clerk to contact them. Cllr. Gray suggested contacting Cllr. Moore in the first instance.

Cllr. Gray raised the grit bin which is empty. Cllr. Norman had put salt in it during the cold spell in December. Cllr. Unsworth agreed to discuss with her Highways contact.                               

493/23 Playground/Outdoor Gym

Cllr. Unsworth met with Playdale who are producing drawings for Phase 2 of the playground improvements. Three different designs will be obtained for the public consultation process.

494/23 Gravel Pit

Cllr. Gray has been informed that the Parish Council now has first registration but not ‘absolute registration’ which means this could be challenged if a deed holder came forward. Cllr. Gray asked Cllr. Norman to inform the tenant that the Parish Council would be visiting the site. Cllr. Gray agreed to contact a land agent for a valuation.                                                                                           

495/23 Geological Disposal Facility

Cllr. Fussell had attended meetings of the Community Partnership which is working on a ‘vision’ for the partnership which includes supporting Parishes to produce community plans. They are aiming to work with communities and to have a multi-generational impact. Their vision will be looking into what they will need, i.e. major permissions, surveys, transport, local employment etc.

496/23 Bench

The memorial bench is now at Calderbridge and Cllr. Fussell said he has arranged for it to be collected and installed.

A quote for replacement wood for the bench at the bottom of Leagate had been circulated and the Clerk has accepted Option 1.

The Clerk received and circulated update regarding the bench at the top of Leagate which advised that the wood will be replaced. Cllr. Gray suggested the Clerk should send the quote as an example and proposed that the Parish Council pay for the wood. This was accepted by all.

497/23 Correspondence & Communications

James Dickaty had been in touch on behalf of the Royal British Legion to ask what Gosforth wants for Remembrance Sunday. Cllrs. Fussell said they were late last year and nobody had turned up. Cllr. Norman said that they used to alternative between Gosforth and Seascale. Cllrs. agreed this was the best option.

498/23 Meetings

Cllr. Fussell attended a WCSSG meeting where Town Councils were invited as well as Parish Councils which resulted in a lot of interesting discussion and updates from various bodies. Some new sub-groups are yet to be fully formed.

Cllr. Atkinson had attended the WI Coronation Coffee Morning which was very well attended and received good feedback. Local businesses had been generous and a total of 12 prizes were donated.

499/23 Councillor Matters

Cllr. Fussell said the Village Café is for sale which may have an impact on the siting of the defibrillator.

Cllr. Gray said he would remove the pegs from the grass at the entrance to Denton Park.

Cllr. Unsworth has received a message and photos of overgrown hedges obstructing a footpath. Cllrs. agreed that the Clerk draft a letter requesting the hedge be cut back. Draft to be circulated to Cllrs. Fussell and Unsworth.

Cllr. Norman has reported a blocked drain in A595 which he will monitor and report back.

Cllr. Atkinson asked the Clerk to chase Cumberland regarding the trees in the car park.

Cllr. Gray had been approached by a resident who wants a footpath from the crossroad to seven acre caravan site.

500/23 Item in Camera – none.

501/23 Date of Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 14th June 2023 at 7pm.

Meeting closed at 9pm.